Prison Outreach Ministry
Our vision
Our mission is to reach out to the children and families of incarcerated parents with the love of Christ by providing Christmas gifts to the children of incarcerated parents. The gifts are given to the children on behalf of the incarcerated parents and in the name of Jesus Christ.
Any adult is welcome and invited to participate. There are many facets of this outreach that makes it a great ministry to get involved in. There is something for everyone. We need people that are comfortable on the telephone to call and get gift ideas from the families, some to make phone calls to churches to find sponsors for the children in other counties, etc. We provide food bags for the families that attend our party that includes canned ham, canned vegetables, macaroni and cheese, instant mashed potatoes and homemade bread. Donations of those items are needed as well as people to pack the bags. The gospel is presented in some form such as skit, dance, testimony or short sermon. We are always looking for something different each year. We also need volunteers to set up and decorate for the party, register families, match and organize the gifts, pass out the gifts to the children, clean up afterwards, etc. A meal is provided to the guests at the party so we need people to cook, serve and clean up. We also need volunteers to pick up/drop off families that need transportation to/from the party. We needs lots of volunteers at the party that can mingle with our guests, connect and make them feel loved.

To get involved with the Prison Ministry Outreach, please contact Sharon Webb.